Category: Penal Policy

prison 2018 web

2018 in Review: Prison News

Eoin Carroll reviews the past year in prison news, in which the JCFJ discussed the needs of young adults in prison, prisoners sleeping on cell floors, and the reliability of prison statistics. To mark Prisoners’ Sunday, we also analysed the increasing numbers on extended lock-up (19-23hrs), the Oireachtas Justice Committee’s report on penal reform, the… Read more »

midlands prison web

Misleading Statistics Mask Prison Problems

The Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice is calling on the Minister for Justice to conduct an immediate investigation into why so many people in prison are sleeping on mattresses when the system is operating at less than 94% capacity.

matt cuff web

Visit of US Penal Policy Advisor

Matt Cuff is the senior policy advisor of the of the Office of Justice and Ecology (OJE) of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States. He visited Ireland recently and spent time in the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice (JCFJ), exchanging ideas and collaborating with our Deputy Director, Eoin Carroll. They aim… Read more »

claire hargaden

Ignatian Examen in Prison

The Ignatian Examen is a five-part spiritual exercise which Jesuits do twice daily. It also offers benefits to others, including prisoners. Claire Hargaden reflects on the practice.

prisoner sunday

Prisoners’ Sunday

Prisoners’ Sunday is an opportunity to pause, reflect and pray for the men, women and children in prison and detention. The following short reflection by Eoin Carroll touches upon some key moments in the prison landscape over the past year.

Irish Prisoners Overseas

Irish Prisoners Overseas

Irish citizens who are in prison overseas face lengthy delays to have their applications to be transferred home processed. This must change, says Ciara Kirrane of the ICPO.

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Ending Poverty For All Must Include Prisoners

The first of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals commits to ending poverty in all forms everywhere. If we are to take this seriously it needs to include people in prison and their families, says Eoin Carroll.

pope prisoners

Prisoner Amnesty for Papal Visit

Eoin Carroll’s article in the Irish Times looks back to the arrival of John Paul II in 1979, when 76 prisoners were granted early release, and questions why there is no mention of an amnesty to coincide with the visit of Pope Francis.

youth day 2018

Safe Spaces For Young People in Prison

The theme of International Youth Day 2018 is Safe Spaces for Youth, something that resonates strongly with the work in prison and penal reform that the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice is involved in. The centre has long been an advocate for changes in the prison system for young adults, whom we view as… Read more »

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Grave Concerns Over Unpublished Oberstown Report

Minister for Children Katherine Zappone has decided not to publish the report into the 2016 review of Oberstown detention centre, which included a contribution from the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice.