ecology climate plan jcfj web

Francis Trumps Leo on Climate Action

The Climate Action Plan considers the environment as a resource to be managed, not a gift to be cultivated, says social theologian Kevin Hargaden, who contrasts the Government’s approach with that contained in Laudato Si’.

Climate Action Plan web

Is Ireland a Climate Action Leader?

Ireland’s Climate Action Plan was published in the wake of the recent political Green Wave and indicates a Government with its eye on both international and domestic fronts, says JCFJ Social Policy Advocate, Keith Adams.

Carbon Tax - Scales

Carbon Tax Sovereign Wealth Fund

A response to the Department of Finance consultation on Carbon Tax, from the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice. Overview The Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Department of Finance on the options for use of revenues raised from increases in Carbon Tax. We recognise that… Read more »

Homeless Figures Reach 10,000

Homelessness Figures Exceed 10,000

The latest figures for homelessness in Ireland have been published and for the first time the numbers counted are above 10,000. With over 3,700 children without a home, and the numbers of homeless families still growing, there is widespread dismay at the government’s failure to meaningfully respond to this long-running crisis, says Kevin Hargaden. Minister… Read more »

housing web jcfj

Homelessness Figures Exceed 10,000

The latest figures for homelessness in Ireland have been published and for the first time the numbers counted are above 10,000. With over 3,700 children without a home, and the numbers of homeless families still growing, there is widespread dismay at the government’s failure to meaningfully respond to this long-running crisis, says Kevin Hargaden.

uap jcfj web

New UAPs offer renewed mandate to JCFJ

The publication of the Jesuits’ new Universal Apostolic Preferences offers a renewed mandate to the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice.

Homily Notes

Homily Notes for Issue 83 of Working Notes

Our most recent edition of Working Notes, Issue 83, deals with the theme of the Harm of Inaction. It features articles from experts around Europe that reflect on harm in the light of the Centre’s four focus areas: penal policy, environmental justice, economic ethics, and housing and homelessness. Kevin Hargaden provides homily notes to accompany… Read more »

2018 Prison Review

2018 in Review: Prison News

Eoin Carroll reviews the past year in prison news, in which the JCFJ discussed the needs of young adults in prison, prisoners sleeping on cell floors, and the reliability of prison statistics. To mark Prisoners’ Sunday, we also analysed the increasing numbers on extended lock-up (19-23hrs), the Oireachtas Justice Committee’s report on penal reform, the… Read more »

conor skehan web

Skehan’s Claims Are Careless and Misleading

The former chair of the Housing Agency, Conor Skehan, appeared on RTÉ One’s Claire Byrne Live last night to discuss the ongoing housing crisis. A number of assertions he makes during the interview as well as his attack on services provided for people experiencing homelessness need to be challenged, says Kevin Hargaden.

prison 2018 web

2018 in Review: Prison News

Eoin Carroll reviews the past year in prison news, in which the JCFJ discussed the needs of young adults in prison, prisoners sleeping on cell floors, and the reliability of prison statistics. To mark Prisoners’ Sunday, we also analysed the increasing numbers on extended lock-up (19-23hrs), the Oireachtas Justice Committee’s report on penal reform, the… Read more »