Category: Environmental Justice

Children learning about ecology at the Gardiner Street parish polytunnel

Biodiversity Youth Citizens Assembly is a Call to Action

 “We must treat the Earth like we do our family and friends, and give it the right to be treated with kindness and respect” The second of two youth biodiversity citizens’ assemblies concluded in Killarney last weekend. This collection of young people gathered together to consider how we should move forward in the biodiversity crisis.… Read more »

Walking towards clean air

As the public consultation about pedestrianising Capel Street showed, we can work together to make our environments healthier and more enjoyable for everyone.

Safe cycling infrastructure! What will it take?

The solution for too long has been to treat the symptom and add to the number of cars moving short distances on dangerous roads. We need to tackle the root of the problem and ensure that our roads are no longer dangerous – for children cycling to school down rural roads or adults cycling to work in Salthill.

The Justice of Ag Emissions Reductions

Farming is a vital part of our economy and society, but in its current form it does not work on many levels. By its nature, farming exists within ecological systems. It is both dependent on ecological services (for example biological pollination, provision of clean water and nutrient cycling) and impacts upon the ecosystems in which it exists.

Streets in Utrecht are hospitable to life

The Road to Utrecht

Sometimes it takes walking along a road to experience a conversion, other times a cycle may be what it takes to lead to an ecological conversion. Last week I was lucky enough to have to opportunity to visit Utrecht on a study cycle tour. I took my time with travelling making my way via sail… Read more »

Lobbying in a time of crisis

The earthquake of destruction that the invasion of Ukraine triggered has reverberated with a series of aftershocks for the global economy as grain shortages and threats to energy sources make an impact on our previous stability.

Bike Week: Making Cycling Affordable

Cycling offers the most cost-effective mode of transport in the neighbourhoods where most people in Ireland live. It has associated benefits for local business, public health, and personal wellbeing.

IPCC Report, a Green New Deal, and Hope

The language differs, with the IPCC referencing integrated planning, systems thinking, and cross-sectoral perspectives as well as social dimensions, but the fundamental similarities to integral ecology are plainly visible.

Reconnect to Nature – Interview with Cécile Renouard

We have to develop an integrated and holistic perspective. If we help people to reconnect to nature, to their own body, to their own feelings, then they will see how the quality of relationships is important and has to be promoted at all levels. With this change of perspective, people will understand that the “one health” is linked with environmental, animal, and human health.

The Myth of ‘Green’ Electric Cars

The electric car is not a solution to our environmental problems, it is a solution to the motor industry’s problem.