Issue: 47: Budget 2004 - Preserving a Divided Society?


Working Notes – Issue 47 Editorial

Dear Reader, We are happy to present to you with the December 2003 issue of Working Notes. We hope you find it helpful for your reflection and work. In our opening article, Budget 2004: Small Change for the Poor, Robin Hanan of EAPN (European Anti-Poverty Network) Ireland, analyses the seventh Budget to be introduced by... Read more »


Budget 2004 – Small Change for the Poor

The day after Budget 2004, the Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern TD, was on the defensive. The Budget, he declared, would dispel the myth that this was a right-wing Government which cared only for its rich friends. He talked about the increase in social welfare payments and the concentration of income tax cuts on the incomes of... Read more »

Poverty & Inequality  

Economics and Justice

Economics is central to public policy and economic policy affects centrally the lives of citizens. Economics allows us to explore the likely outcomes of particular economic activities and to examine how policy impacts on different groups in society - who benefits and who loses - and to come up with proposals for change.


And so this is Christmas…?

Amidst the hustle and bustle of Christmas many people find themselves drawing breath now and again and wondering what it is all about. On the one hand, there is the exhilaration of the 'season of goodwill', the decorations and seasonal music to brighten all our lives, the getting together with friends or colleagues or family,... Read more »

Church Structural Policy  

Integrating Perspectives on Christmas

Christmas is a time for home coming. In many different parts of the world people make enormous efforts, and travel long distances, to spend Christmas-time with their families, even if only for a few days. 

International Issues