Author: Ciara Murphy

IPCC Report, a Green New Deal, and Hope

The language differs, with the IPCC referencing integrated planning, systems thinking, and cross-sectoral perspectives as well as social dimensions, but the fundamental similarities to integral ecology are plainly visible.

War, Energy and the Environment

The recent escalation in military activity along the Ukraine border highlights the particular ways in which war particularly interacts with energy. A lot of wars, in one way or another, are related to access to energy, particularly fossil fuels.

COP26 Diaries: A review on the final day

Travelling to COP was a worthwhile experience. Participating in the different aspects of it, the pilgrimage to Glasgow, the climate justice march and the Blue Zone offered different experiences and I come away with a slightly better knowledge of the mechanisms behind these international dialogues.

COP26 Diaries – Transport Day in the Blue Zone

I don’t think the importance of bogs for climate action, especially in Ireland, can be overestimated.

COP26 Diaries: Gender, Science and Innovation Day

Discussions at times got slightly heated and a little salty but I came away from the discussion with an appreciation of the hard work that must be done on a one-to-one level and by the drafters of the text, while simultaneously being very grateful not to have to do it. The meeting closed with an expectation that a ‘landing zone’ (a set of compromises that will allow a deal to be concluded) could be found.

COP26 Diaries: Finally in the Blue Zone

Yesterday, armed with a blue lanyard and a ‘terrible’ photo Ciara Murphy was ready to take on the Blue Zone.

COP26 Diaries: What turns a long walk into a Pilgrimage?

Undertaking a pilgrimage is not usually done solely to satisfy the need to be surrounded by nature or to exercise but can result from deeply personal, spiritual and faithful decision. While the destination is important, the journey is equally so.

Planting Trees Across the Irish Jesuit Province

  On October 4th, to mark the end of the Season of Creation and coinciding with National Tree Day, communities, schools and works across the Irish Jesuit Province were planting trees. We harbour no illusion that planting trees absolves us from the necessary, hard work of reducing our overall ecological impact. But this simple act… Read more »

Copping On to COP

COP26 – What is it and why should I care? COP26, the annual global climate summit, is scheduled to take place in Glasgow over the first 2 weeks in November this year. Our climate has already heated by 1ᵒ Celsius. Further warming is already baked in, so to speak, based on our past emissions. The… Read more »

COP26 – There is Still Hope

Hope that things will change for the better is part and parcel of events like COP. If change was not possible, if the situation was truly hopeless, these meetings would not happen. What we need now alongside our hope is the will to take action.