Category: News

Give up yer oul ideologies

  In early 1998, Tony Blair, then UK Prime Minister, addressed the French National Assembly. In fluent French, he described the political ethos shaping New Labour and, more broadly, Third Way politics, as “an attempt to make realistic sense of the modern world. It is a world in which love of ideals is essential but… Read more »

Looking forward in 2021

  At the start of last year, we in the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice looked forward to 2020. We were full of anticipation of progress on environmental issues, saw signs of hope in the growing divestment from fossil fuels movement and were able to celebrate the Irish Government’s participation in that process. What… Read more »


A Shot in the Dark

It is important to ask why a request to vaccinate prisoners in the early stages of the programme is met with vehemence and opposition. The force of emotion expressed reflects something of our punitive instinct around justice and this particular instance exposes how in the end, that desire is self-destructive.

Bug Hotel opens in Armagh

On Saturday 21st November, the ACRE Project came together to construct a Bug Hotel in the grounds of its community house in Mullacreevie Park, Co. Armagh.

CETA agreement should not be ratified

  Trade agreements are difficult things to discuss because they require such specialised knowledge and attention to detail. But they have such an impact on our economy and society that we must be alert to what they contain.

Fields, trees and road

Painful awareness of environmental crisis

Perhaps the EPA report, which is unrelenting in its assessment, is the catalyst we need to become painfully aware of what is happening in our country as well as for a plan we can follow to change our collective habits.

Keeping up with the Climate Bill

  Amongst the news of the US election and of potential vaccines that will hopefully help end this twilight zone of social distancing we must not be deaf to the continuing reality of the climate and biodiversity emergency. Hurricanes, wildfires, and bog slippage , which are all part of the complex story of climate change… Read more »

anti fracking sign

Shannon LNG planning permission quashed

The first step in this direction is acting on the promises made in the Programme for Government and definitively closing off all avenues of fracking importation and fossil fuel exploration in Ireland.

Image of EU Flag

Vote This CAP Down

In an echo of the call we make to politicians here in Ireland to amend the Climate Bill, we now call on our MEPs and demand that they vote for an improved Common Agricultural Policy.


Free Human Rights Defender Stan Swamy SJ

Stan Swamy SJ is an 83-year-old Jesuit and human rights defender in India who has been arrested on false charges of involvement with extremist groups. We demand his release.