COP28@Home – Together for Climate Justice


“This Conference [COP28] can represent a change of direction, showing that everything done since 1992 was in fact serious and worth the effort, or else it will be a great disappointment and jeopardize whatever good has been achieved thus far.”


-Pope Francis on COP28 in Laudate Deum


COP28, the annual global climate summit, is scheduled to take place in Dubai from November 30 until December 12 this year. Leaders unite for two weeks of crucial climate discussions. This UN conference is pivotal, given the urgency the entire world is experiencing in what regards climate change. Pope Francis’s recent apostolic exhortation Laudate Deum underscores the significance of COP28 in shaping a sustainable future for all.

Are you curious about climate justice, have interest on how COP28 operates, or look for ways of how to get involved? COP28@Home, prepared jointly by the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice, the Jesuit European Social Centre and Jesuit Missions UK, seeks to inform and advocate on important climate issues up to and during the upcoming COP28.

  • For more information about this the COP28@Home campaign and to subscribe for the COP28@Home Bulletin click here
COP28 Guide

COP gatherings may not be easy to understand. Read our COP guide to grasp the basics, namely why this COP is so important, terms often used in the current climate discussion, and the Jesuit hopes for the conference.

Guide to COP28









Act now – Write to your TD and MEP

How can you act for change from your home? One of the most powerful actions you can take is demanding change from our political leaders. We invite you to take the simple action of writing to your elected government representatives. Copy and paste the template letter below and email or post it to your TD, European Union MEP or COP28 Envoy, to ask for strong action at COP28. If you receive a reply please let us know at [email protected]. You can find the contact details of your TD here and your MEP here.

Download your COP28@Home Template to write to elected representative here

If you have any questions about this campaign please contact Dr Ciara Murphy at [email protected]